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Content Creation

Elevate your social presence with our blend of training, full-throttle management, community enchantment, content masterpieces, and strategy sit downs, crafting a social saga that turns followers into fans.

We Create. You post.

We create social media magic and YOU post it and engage with your audience. This allows you to save money while still having a kick-ass social media content at your fingertips. This package is great if you're already "ok" at posting to your social media but you want to take it up a notch but the thought of making more posts makes you want to cry a little. 

This Package Includes:

  • Content calendar 15 days before the 1st
  • 8 social media captions
  • Hashtag Sets
  • 5 graphics created + image sourcing (if needed)
  • 1 monthly 1-hour zoom call strategy session
Fully Managed Lite

Let us completely manage your social media. We will create the captions, graphics, source images, engage with your customers and run the whole show while you worry about your business. 

This is the lite version of our managed package that gives you the hands off experience but it's more paced to save you money. This package is great for those smaller businesses who want to showup online but it's not their main source of customers.

This Package Includes:

  • Content calendar 15 days before the 1st
  • 8 social media captions and 
  • 8 graphics created + image sourcing
  • Hashtags sets 
  • 1h a week community engagement
  • 1 monthly 1-hour zoom call strategy session
Fully Managed Social Media

Let us completely manage your social media. We will create the captions, graphics, source images, engage with your customers and run the whole show while you worry about your business. Is it going to cost you a lot? Yes. But you will never have to think about social media again if you don't want to. 

*You don't have to be hands off if you don't want to be. You can still be on and use your social media in tandem. This package gives you the freedom to choose.

This Package Includes:

  • Content calendar 15 days before the 1st
  • 16 social media captions and 
  • 16 graphics created + image sourcing
  • Hashtags sets 
  • 2h a week community engagement
  • 1 monthly 1-hour zoom call strategy session
Social Media Add-ons

Look, we love social and really want to hang out with you and do cool things. Here is a list of some of the things we do outside of the basics:

  • Additional Captions
  • Sourced Stock Photography
  • Additional Strategy Sessions
  • Scheduling of Posts
  • Animated Posts
  • Custom Infographics
  • Story Graphics
  • Profile & Highlight Covers

Creative connections, versatile solutions.