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Content Creation

Unleash the power of storytelling with our creative arsenal, from eye-catching photography and compelling blog posts to social buzz and website wonders, alongside mesmerizing marketing materials and graphic designs that make your brand's voice sing.

Blog Writing

Website feeling a little blah? Frequent blog posts are a great way to create activity on your website as well as create additional landing pages for your social media posts.

This Package Includes:

  • A 30-minute zoom call strategy session
  • A 900+ word, SEO-friendly blog posts
  • Sourced imagery as needed
Website Copy

Fresh SEO-friendly copy (text) on your website is a great way to refresh it for both your customers and search engines. Plus having professionally written copy is a great way to elevate your company above your competitors.

This Package Includes:

  • A 30-minute zoom call strategy session
  • 1 page of copy, under 900 words.
  • Additional pages at a discount
Graphic Content Creation

Need graphics for your website or social media? From product photos, to infographics we can help create stunning visuals. These projects vary greatly and are assessed accordingly. 

Marketing Material

Got a campaign or initiative you want to get off the ground but need content for, from video, to photography to ad design and billboards, we have you covered!

Social Content

Do you have a plan and the time to run your own social media but don't have the time or skills to make the content? OKGN Co. is here to help. From product photography to lifestyle, influencer campaigns to PR sendouts and captions to go with everything because we know social. Like, REALLY know social.

Reach out with your business ideas and we will come up with a custom plan that will support all those big plans you have.

Creative connections, versatile solutions.