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Product Photography

White Haven Home

  • Client Cassandra McColman
  • Date 2022-2023
  • Leads Jamie

OKGN Co. took on a special project right in the heart of the Okanagan, teaming up with White Haven Home, a beloved local online boutique. Our task was straightforward but meaningful – capturing their products in photos that felt real, light, and welcoming, just like the spaces where you'd find these items every day.

We set everything up to feel open and bright, with lots of white and clean linens creating a calm and inviting vibe. Over two days, our cameras were busy, but we were careful. We used techniques to take great photos without wasting or damaging products. This was important to us because it's not just about taking good pictures but about respecting what we photograph.

The photos we took weren't shouty or flashy. Instead, they were designed to show how these products could fit into the lives of the people who might buy them – naturally and easily. We didn't want to push the hard sell; we wanted people to see these items and imagine them in their homes as part of their stories.

These photos ended up on the White Haven Home online store and their social media pages, which we also took care of. This way, the photos could reach people right where they were, showing them a glimpse of a peaceful, beautiful life with these products.

For business owners considering this approach, consider this: your products hold stories, not just price tags. They can become part of someone's morning routine or family gathering. Our goal with White Haven Home was to translate this potential into visuals – photos that don't just display but quietly invite viewers to imagine these products in their own space, adding to their narrative.

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We weave connections and tell your brand's unique story, positioning you not just as a choice but as a no-brainer for old and new customers.