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Website Design, Build & SEO

Traqspera Custom Website, Blogging & SEO

  • Client Traqspera Inc.
  • Date 2023
  • Lead Beth

In a world where digital presence is as crucial as the bricks and mortar of construction, Traqspera approached OKGN Co. with a challenge – transforming their sparse marketing into a robust, dynamic brand identity. Their product, a digital construction worksite management app, was a gem hidden in plain sight. Our job was to ensure it was seen as a heavy hitter in the American-dominated app market.

We rolled up our sleeves and set to work, crafting a strategy as structured and solid as the foundations Traqspera's customers lay in the construction world. The cornerstone of our project was a mobile-forward website, custom-built on a CMS that's as sturdy and reliable as Traqspera's app. Every pixel and page was designed with the user in mind, ensuring that each visit was not just a stop but a journey through Traqspera's story and capabilities.

But a website alone isn't a conversation. So, we breathed life into the brand with copy that speaks, informs, and engages. Our words were chosen carefully, mirroring the precision timesheet tracking Traqspera brings to construction sites. We didn't just fill pages; we told stories, answered questions, and built trust, one sentence at a time.

Content creation was our next arena. Bi-weekly blog posts became our rhythm, each a new chapter in Traqspera's unfolding narrative. These weren't just articles; they were insights shedding light on industry trends, offering advice, and establishing Traqspera as a service provider and a thought leader in the construction space.

And what's a story if it's not heard? SEO was our megaphone. We didn't just aim for visibility; we aimed for relevance and authority. Constant updates, meticulous keyword research, and a keen understanding of the digital landscape ensured that Traqspera didn't just appear in searches; it stood out as a beacon for potential customers and curious minds.

Through our journey with Traqspera, OKGN Co. did more than just market a product; we built a brand. We turned limited marketing into a living, breathing identity that resonates with its audience and leads the way in the construction app space.

Remember that your online presence is your global worksite for businesses looking to construct their digital identity. With the right team, tools, and tenacity, it can be built to withstand trends, outrun competitors, and welcome customers, project after project. That's the blueprint for success we followed with Traqspera, and it's the blueprint we're ready to tailor for you at OKGN Co.

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We weave connections and tell your brand's unique story, positioning you not just as a choice but as a no-brainer for old and new customers.