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Brand Photography

The Collective Suites

  • Client The Collective Suites
  • Date 2022-2023
  • Leads Beth & Renèa

Over two years, OKGN Co. has skillfully orchestrated a series of captivating photoshoots at The Collective Suites, the heart of entrepreneurial spirit nestled in downtown Kelowna. This partnership beautifully encapsulates the vibrant energy and the serene tranquillity that defines the space. Through our lens, we've chronicled the ever-evolving tapestry of entrepreneurs and creatives who breathe life into this unique setting.

The Collective Suites, with its elegant blend of private suites and shared spaces, offers an innovative haven for beauty and wellness professionals. Situated in the bustling downtown area of Kelowna, it represents a harmonious balance between professional finesse and creative freedom, enabling professionals to flourish on their terms.

In this collaborative project, OKGN Co. has masterfully captured the essence of The Collective Suites. Each photo narrates the story of the space – from the dynamic interactions among its inhabitants to the serene moments of focused productivity. Our photography project not only highlights the physical beauty and functionality of the suites but also pays homage to the underlying spirit of ambition, collaboration, and innovation that animates the community within.

As we continue to document the journey of The Collective Suites, OKGN Co. remains dedicated to showcasing the vibrant vibes and the contemplative quietness that make this space a sanctuary for professionals and creatives alike. Through our imagery, we celebrate individual journeys while honouring the collective soul that makes The Collective Suites a landmark of professional and creative synergy in Kelowna.

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